World Travel Provides Children With Opportunities That Cannot Be Gleaned in Any Other Way Monroe

Asked past: Iballa Barbarroja
asked in category: technology and calculating Terminal Updated: 17th Nov, 2020

Which sentence reflects proper citation punctuation for this quotation past Monroe?

According to the basic punctuation rules, the concluding sentence ["World travel provides children with opportunities that cannot be gleaned in any other way" (Monroe). ] is the only right variant with proper use of citation.

Residual of the in-depth respond is here. Keeping this in view, which argument about brackets is true?

The reply to your question would be that the statements that are true about brackets are the following ones: "Brackets can point a change in verb tense" and "the phrase [sic] indicates an error in a quoted extract". That is, the right option would exist B, II and Iii.

Too, when incorporating direct quotations into writing what is the function of quotation marks? Quotation marks are one of the punctuation tools used to prevent plagiarism. Quotation marks are used to set apart brusque quotations, which are defined by the Mod Language Association as quotations of iv lines or fewer. It is of import to think that quotation marks come in pairs.

Herein, when I refer to integrity I have something very specific in mind?

When I refer to integrity, I have something very specific in heed. Integrity, as I volition use the term, requires three steps: discerning what is correct and what is incorrect; acting on what you have discerned, even at personal cost; and proverb openly that you lot are interim on your understanding of right and incorrect.

Which type of punctuation signals the reader that words have been omitted from a direct quotation?

The ellipsis is ane of the punctuation tools used to prevent plagiarism. An ellipsis indicates the omission of a word or words from a direct quotation.

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